Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day movies

The last week and a half has been chock full of movies. I’ve seen Extract, Inglorious Basterds, and 500 Days of Summer. 500 has been my favorite and I’ll admit disappointment about Extract.

I have an affection for Mike Judge that dates back to Beavis & Butthead (don’t lie, you watched it too). When I moved to Texas in 2002, King of the Hill finally made magnificent sense to me. That show captures so much that makes Texas unique and fascinating. I mean no irony in that statement, Texas just doesn’t fit the mold. That is probably Texas’ best characteristic, it is difficult to describe because there is so much variety and people just feel passionate about so many different ideas. Including propane and boogle.

Image from http://www.stewiesplayground.com/2009/03/28/fox-animation-schedule-for-march-29-2009/

And of course, Office Space, sheesh. Probably the best work-atmosphere movie ever. Mike Judge just got it with that movie.
Image from http://blog.pricegrabber.com/shopgreen/files/2007/09/office-space.jpg
Which is why I was bummed about Extract. Maybe my expectations were a little too high or focused on the wrong topic. I thought it would be another workplace comedy, and there was some of that - but for me, the movie turned out to be a really depressing view of marriage. I’m tired of the reinforced view that marriage equals a dead sex-life. There were funny parts and it’s always nice to see Jason Bateman, but this movie didn’t do it for me.

500 Days of Summer wasn’t the happiest movie ever, but it told the truth about love in a heartfelt way. With snappy dressers to boot. Seriously, I don’t know who did Zoeey D.’s wardrobe, but she was absolutely adorable in every scene.

I went to 500 Days dressed a little hippy dippy, but left wanting to wear a girly dress and bangs.

I'll admit to being very comfortable in this outfit though. yeah for tights.


  1. I can't even put into words my love for 500 days. Its very much me and my husband. The only change is we got married in the end. I was the aloof one. Didn't want to get married.

    Also king of the hill adore.

    Anyone who has ever worked in a office has a deep deep love with office space. LOVE

  2. OH OH and maybe not you will get my incessant zooey copying lately!

  3. Yep, I see how the movie influences daily style. She was just so darned cute.
