Thursday, September 17, 2009

Purse dumpage

Since I figured that some have shared the contents of their purses, I would follow suit. Plus, once I saw the contents of mine today I was laughing and thought you might too.

I believe you can click to enlarge, but let me know if not. There are a couple avon products because I got them this morning. My coworker sells it and I love the delivery days. It’s like Christmas (except I have to cut a check – and actually that’s the only reason I even had my checkbook in there today).

There is a lot of lipstick in my purse; I always like to have something on my lips even if it’s a nude gloss.

There are also a lot of sharpies in there. I find them extra useful and always throw one in my bag.

There are coupons that I got from Glamour magazine. I thought I might use them at the mall, but I didn’t want anything from those stores. Eh.

The jaguar pouch holds my electronic stuff: camera cord, mp3 player, and jump drive.

When I carry a small purse, that is the first thing to get kicked out!

I'm a big fan of pouches right now. I have another pouch that I use for my ladytime products, but yippee thats not today :)

That's what I'm lugging around today.



  1. I'm commenting on my own post. The first time I checked, I could click to enlarge the top photo. now I can't.
    What gives?

  2. I can't click your photo either :o(

    That jaguar pouch is cute! Did you make it, or get it somewhere?

    My regular purse isn't very exciting, but I could dump my work bag, that would be interesting to look at...

  3. oh, I think I got it! Now you can click and see my junk closeup!
