Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween at the Office

Normal at work:

Halloween at work:

(PS: I'm Cleopatra)

*edited to add a full body shot*

Fingers crossed that I win the costume contest! I have stiff competition, check out the transformer!



  1. ooooh please show us the whole costume... I love halloween!

  2. Ok, got the full photo....I have to admit that other than the wig, I'm super comfy. yeah for flowy oversized dresses & sandals!

  3. I really like your costume! ...But then I scrolled down and saw the Transformer, and wow, that is pretty impressive. Did he actually do work in that get-up?

  4. So, the transformer won the costume contest. It was a landslide!

    He won plain black underneath and did have to take off all of the costume in order to work. It was pretty funny, he basically had a handler (fellow coworker) that helped him get in/out of the getup! There were a lot of ties in the back.
