Monday, August 10, 2009

Crafty at home

Today I'm going to do this a little differently and forgo the left/right alignment on photos and just center them...this is Lola's idea and I *think* I understand why the L/R was messing me up.

This weekend was chock full of un-fun home ownership stuff. Despite living in Houston, we don't have central A/C, we have window units. Its an old house and wasn't updated when we bought it .. no problem though, the window units actually work really well.

It however was a problem when the unit in our bedroom started going last week. Not cool, man. Friday and Saturday equaled 10 trips to hardware/appliance stores. BOR-ING. I have a deep hate for spending time in Lowes & Home Depot.

But here's the new unit...yippee

We had another hot house problem to correct on Sunday - the front windows. We used to have a gloriously HUGE oak tree in our front yard.

Exhibit A
Then Hurricane Ike hit and down came the tree.
Exhibit B (this is still F'ed up for me to look at)

Without the oak tree shade, it's hotter than heck in our house by the front windows. We found tinting and now it looks like we've got some sweet mirrored windows.
Exhibit C
I hope it helps!

*Yes, that's me chilling in a housedress of sorts and yes, those are bars on our windows. It used to be a great neighborhood, then was a rough one, and is now back to great. We just haven't got around to removing these things.*

This post lacks anything crafty, beauty, or fashion related. home repairs count as crafts? It was DIY


  1. Yay, my suggestion worked :o)

    What a shame about your tree! Can you plant something new? (Obviously it won't be that big for a while...)

  2. I'm a fan of the centered pictures.

    What a horrible thing to lose your tree! We have 3 Gary Oaks outside our condo (and two huge maples). Every year, I worry that one of them will fall in a windstorm.

  3. Thanks Lola!

    The tree loss was a major bummer! We have replanted another oak -- further from the house this time (we were really lucky that tree didn't fall on the house).

    We also replanted a little garden in front where the tree used to be. I'm actually really proud of that area - it's all local native plants and they rock! They are practically indestructable. Maybe I'll do a post about those one day....
